Eyebrow shaping

Eyebrow shaping is important, accurate and precise job that only a few master.

Trust us. We will take time to design the shape of your brows. You will share your wishes and we will advise the appropriate form, depending on your face proportions. Together, we will create a framework, which will make your face even more perfect.

Price: 15-20 €

japonsko-vrisovanje-obrviThe Japanese method of drawing eyebrows

If your eyebrows are not nicely overgrown or they don`t even grow in some areas, if they are not beautifully shaped or you would like the form just to be more noticeable, we recommend Japanese method of drawing eyebrows.

Certified by the originator of the popular method (Branko Babić, Phi Brow Microblading Academy, Belgrade) gives you full eyebrows at any time of the day for the next 2 years. We only use proven Phi Brow pigments, which do not change color.

Price: 180 €

barvanje-obrviBrow tinting

Upon your request, natural eyebrows can also be painted. The brighter the hair, the effective appearance is achieved. Tinting is suitable for customers who want to achieve a slight definition around eyes even when not wearing makeup and for those who color their hair, so we conceal the contract.
Eyebrows are usually darkened with black, dark grey, ash gray, brown or dark blonde. Due to conceal the contrast between the hair and eyebrows color, eyebrows can also be lightened. Especially blondes prefers this treatment.
We use soft colors and developers, which are intended only for sensitive eyelashes and eyebrows care. Peroxide is not used!

Price: 15 €

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